First Coast Financial Beacon May 2016

Written by Chris Draughon

I want to see you achieve your financial goals so I spend my time making the complicated things simple. As the Director of Financial Planning I help our clients identify their most important financial goals and develop paths to get them there on time with room to spare.

May 9, 2016


May Market Commentary

Every quarter has its fair share of alarmist media headlines. Yet Q1 2016 may have taken the cake with a pronouncement from the Royal Bank of Scotland on February 11 urging investors to “Sell Everything!” It also happens that February 11 was the low point for the quarter, and the market has rallied by double digits since that day.

In this 12-minute Making Sense of Markets Q1 presentation, Loring Ward’s Portfolio Strategy & Research Team discusses what happened last quarter, shares timely and timeless insights on markets and reminds us of the importance of a long-term perspective.

Watch Making Sense of Markets – Q1 2016

I sincerely hope you will take a few minutes to watch this educational presentation, and I encourage you to please contact me with your thoughts, questions or concerns.

Thank you for your continued trust, confidence and the opportunity to serve you.

Warm Regards,

Jeff Helms, CFA

First Coast Wealth Advisors, LLC

400 N. Ponce de Leon Blvd.

St Augustine, FL 32084

(904) 824-4349