Navigating your finances is never easy, and regardless of how much you know about investing, there are always opportunities to expand your knowledge. Depending on your level of knowledge, there are a wide variety of online tools and applications to help improve your financial prowess.
Investing for Beginners
Those who are just getting started have unique needs when it comes to investing. Oftentimes, they are uncertain where to start. Investopedia offers an excellent tutorial for beginner investors which is accessible free of charge. In addition, you can find information about ongoing financial news which could change the direction of your investment decisions.
Investing for Everyone
- Securities and Exchange Commission – this is an ideal site for everyone, regardless of whether you are just starting out or you are a seasoned investor. Not only will you find news about current events, you will also find a number of quizzes, information about various stock markets and a variety of booklets and brochures to help you make better investment decisions.
- First Coast Wealth Advisors Blog – here investors of all stages can find investing articles and get immediate access to market commentary offered by our investment professionals.
- The Motley Fool – since 1993, The Fool has been providing information and news about investing for individuals. You’ll get the latest investment news and ideas to allow you to make better investment choices.
Planning for Retirement
Regardless of your age, it is never too early to start planning for retirement. There is a great deal of misinformation out there about how much you need to save and how you should be investing your retirement dollars. Some helpful resources to set the record straight can be found at:
- The RetireMentors – this popular MarketWatch column is written by financial experts, not journalists. You’ll get real-time information and learn more about how to make the most of your retirement income and your retirement savings.
- Kiplinger – while Kiplinger offers a great deal of news and information, their down-to-earth information about retirement investing has something for everyone. Whether you are just starting to save for retirement or you’ll be retiring soon, you’ll find helpful information and advice.
- First Coast Wealth Advisors e-Books – our popular e-Books and guides offer advice on everything from Social Security to Estate Planning. Download any of our e-Books today for free through our website.
There’s an App For That
Technology has allowed us to have access to a whole range of tools that can help us better manage our finances and get financial news on the go. Some of the best apps to keep on your phone include:
- SavedPlus – gain access to savings calculators and let this automatic savings platform help you manage your savings goals on the run.
- Wallaby – spending is a necessity and more of us turn to our credit cards daily. Using this application, you can make better decisions about which credit card will give you the most spending power.
- Level – this personal finance application allows you to get an instant snapshot of exactly where you are financially at any given time. Savings, spending and investing are all calculated based on user input.
Accessing Financial News on the Go
There are a range of applications to allow you to get news on the go. Since everyone has different preferences for information, it is recommended you search through the AppCrawlr website to find the latest and highest rated financial news channels and apps. Investors and savers can find the application that best meets their needs and never miss important financial news again.
Reviewing Your Goals
Investors who are well informed are among the savviest investors. Your investment and retirement savings goals should always be reviewed to ensure you are making the best possible decisions based on your current financial situation as well as your long-term goals. You can work with a financial advisor at First Coast Wealth Advisors to ensure you are on the right track for your long-term financial success.